Key Performance Indicators
As part of the Developing Local Provision Project, we have to provide Birmingham City Council with data regarding specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A KPI is a quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective.
Here are the 4 Key Performance Indicators for this project:
- Progress shown through the Wellcomm Assessment Tool
For this KPI, we want to see the number of children that achieved a ‘Red’ and ‘Amber’ score decrease over time and the number of children that achieved a ‘Green’ score increase over time.
- Increase in numbers of SEND pupils reaching ELG in CL (both ‘Listening, Attention & Understanding’ and ‘Speaking’) & Reading (both ‘Comprehension’ and ‘Word Reading’) at the end of Reception
For the second KPI, we need to increase the number of children that have Special Education Needs/Disability reaching their Early Learning Goal in CL and Reading by the end of the Reception year.
- Increase in percentage of SEND pupils in Y1 at threshold of phonics decoding
The third KPI is focused on Year 1 children. We want to see an increase in the number of children that have Special Education Needs/Disability passing the statutory Year 1 Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1.
- Increase in percentage of SEND pupils in at expected standard in reading at KS1
The last KPI is to see an increase in the number of children that have Special Education Needs/Disability reaching the expected standard in reading at the end of Year 2.
Here are our results for the first year of our DLP Project (September 2021 – July 2023):